I've had Halloween on the brain ever since Vanessa mentioned her blog party date at A Fanciful Twist and I got to thinking about bottles filled with potion ingredients. Rat tails, bat wings and eye of newt...that sort of thing...except I don't like that gross aspect and my helicopters looked more like faery wings to me.
I pulled them apart initially, but cleaned up the edge with scissors. Then I mixed some metallic green craft paint with a wee bit of water (for a little transparency).
Placing them over some wax paper (to protect the table) I brushed the paint on and let dry, then did the other side.
It's that simple! Kids can totally handle this so if you want to spend a magical afternoon making faery wings, by all means go for it!
Don't they look just like a wing?
And if my printer wasn't still out of ink, I would label them with this

You are welcome to use it for your own bottles - just right click and save. Some resizing may be in order.
To go along with the faery wings try out my last posted project and you've got yourself some faery eggs!
(click the photo to learn more about R.J. Anderson and her writing)
It doesn't matter that I am ever aging, I love children's and young adult books! Plus I've always had a soft spot for faeries. :)
It's a delightful story about an old oak tree that houses a diminishing society of faeries and about the one who dared to break through the fear and superstition to learn the truth. And yes there are faery eggs.
Mystery, adventure, totally adorable terminology and even a little romance, this book was my favorite "tea and reading on the deck" choice. Of course I couldn't put it down and so that only lasted two days, but still. :)