Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Insight into vintage fashion

I'm listening to Connie Francis while I write this post; you can too if you open this link in a new tab/window.

I ran across Vixen Vintage when I googled photos to use in my Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day post - didn't end up using any of those photos but I found a new blog to follow! Solanah has rekindled my love for vintage fashion and I thought I'd use this week to post about a few things I have kicking around. :)

I actually found this newspaper under my bed when I was cleaning. It's from the August 28, 1955 edition of the Omaha World-Herald Magazine so I really have no idea where this came from other than...time travel portal across state lines?

A back page article caught my attention - it's written for "fortyish women" urging them towards elegant maturity.

"Remember throat line."

This ad from another part of the paper made me giggle.


 My mom was given a paper sack filled with vintage fabric and I stole these so I could share them with you. They are pre-cut yardages and wrapped with a label.

This part cracked me up.

Especially this one.

Although I'd LOVE pajamas made from that cute pink plaid.

Boy that looks swell! ;)

Come back tomorrow for more vintage goodness.


Pamela said...

Oh, this was such a fun read. I love reading script from days gone by. Loved seeing the fabric. I need some of those keen jammies!

Kristen said...

I adore vintage patterns and clothes! If only the forties patterns that I am coveting didn't cost $50 to buy online....

Anonymous said...

Ooh I love plaid prints and I especially love the packaging. :)

Megan said...

Hey! I'm pretty sure I HAVE pajamas in that fabric...well, not exactly, but very close :). Old Navy 2 for 1, three years ago...lol.

Love, love, love vintage style clothing. Oh, and thanks for cracking me up with that line about the time travel across state lines :).

Jill said...

That vintage fabric is awesome! And I too love the "keen" pajamas :)

theUngourmet said...

I love vintage...anything! I loved the ads and that fabric is wonderful! I'd like to sew myself some keen jammies. :)

shari said...

oh Molly! this post made me laugh out loud! thanks for sharing all that vintage fun!!

Kristin said...

Hi, I'm a new follower of your blog and I just love it. I was looking through some of your old posts and I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the pictures of the fabric. It was made in the closest town to me! Danville had a huge textile industry- sadly the majority of the Dan River Mills closed down several years ago and a lot of people lost their jobs. Anyway- I was really surprised to see this! :)
