Friday, June 15, 2012

To spend time doing things you love

I've been trying to write this post all week and twice the internet wouldn't work and once I forgot. I guess this evening is the right time.

I have spent several years learning to appreciate little things. Like the sun lighting up this little vetch flower. This weed is invasive and a serious pain in my rear but even I can appreciate how beautiful it is here. I haven't been able to appreciate things as much as I used to, but I'm working on it again.

Maggie over at Gussy Sews has a free printable (that I adore) about taking a moment.
Mine is currently gracing my dresser but I think I need to do something more fun than that with it. Photos to come!

Friday, June 8, 2012


Starring one of my fake kids. (As in not belonging to me. But I claim her anyway.)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Surprise from Japan

Dearest Janine, also known as the Crafty Tokyo Mama surprised me recently with a care package. And she was spot on with her little message - I was very surprised!

I always love checking out the stamps she uses.

And the inside was pretty as well! She takes such great care with her packaging, it is always a treat.

Inside was this fantastic chocolate...which lasted all of a day and a half. And it wasn't until I'd eaten it all that I figured it out. The segments were each a different flavor like it shows on the package. Oh well, each was still amazing. Like the mango and chocolate together; how did I not know that existed?!

 This adorable pouch had the most interesting opening/closure mechanism I've ever seen. Is is getting a lot of use holding my lip balms in my purse.

Love this little journal! I am alwas carrying something like this around and calling it my brain because I write down everything so I don't forget. Just in case I have a genius idea or something.

And the card - such neat artwork.

Janine sent me this package after my last couple posts mentioning I was down. She is such a dear lady. If you haven't yet (even though I've blabbed about  it several times) visit her blog and shop - both are lots of fun!

Thank you Janine, it made my month to get such a thoughtful gift.