**Edited April 5th**
I've seen these everywhere and totally wanted one. Part of the rule about a strict budget is not spending your money on frivolities. Guh. So I finally got fed up and decided to make myself one.
I looked online for a tutorial for making the flower and couldn't find one (I have since found tons, I don't know what my problem was before!)
I decided I was a smart enough person that I could figure it out for myself. Well...I didn't know how to start - ha! So I remembered seeing this post and decided to see how she did hers (she makes adorable stuff!). She got me started and I semi-deviated from there. If- and this is going to be a riot considering I'm not a sewing person - you want to come along with me I'll show you how I did it.
My starting supplies of what I thought I would need:
Two fabric selections in coordinating colors that match the headband I already had. Some satin ribbon and some tulle. You'll also need felt, a needle and thread and some tacky glue (if you do it like me.) I didn't end up using the ribbon at all.
I started out by cutting a circle template onto paper, cutting it in half and then pinning it to the fabric and cutting around it.
I wasn't sure how many I'd need, so I guesstimated and ended up cutting ten, but I didn't use them all. It's really your discretion, how many you can fit and how full you want it.
Taking my needle and thread I stitched through the bottom and then pulled the thread tight to gather the "petal" - on the same thread I continued until I had enough to look like a flower.
Then I stitched the last two petals together to keep it from falling open.
I really didn't know what I was doing when I did it, just making it up as I went along. And like I told you I am not a sewer! So if I can make this work then so can you!
To make the rest of the flower I cut a circle of my second fabric choice, making sure it was larger than my gathered petals. Once it was cut round, I freehanded some "waviness" to it so it didn't look so stodgy (I did that after the photo). I did the same with a piece of white tulle (not even in the photo). The felt I cut slightly smaller because I don't actually want it showing, I just need it for stability and to attach the whole deal to the headband.
Then I stitched the petaled portion to the wavy background until it felt secure to me. Real technical and professional, me. *wink*
To attach it to the headband I rethreaded my needle and figured out where on the headband I wanted it. Then I stitched through the felt on each side of the hadband all the way up and down and a few more random times until it felt nice and secure. I ended up gluing the tulle and background fabric to the felt - didn't get any photos of this, sorry!
And then you're back to my intro photograph! That wasn't too hard was it?
I'm thinking about covering a little button with fabric and making that the center of my flower but I don't want it to look like a button...hence the fabric part. I dunno. I may have to think about it. Hmmmm. Ponderment.....
I did indeed cover a small, normal button with fabric. Just slapped on some tacky glue and stuck on the fabric. Then I sewed it into the middle of the flower. I have to advise though, that with the many layers of fabric including the last one hardened with glue, it wasn't super easy but I like how it looks!
And do you just love my grow-out? I can't for the life of me decide if I want to continue coloring my hair or not...so I just do nothing instead.
That is super cute! I look stupid in headbands but my daughter looks great in them. I should make her one!
Visiting from SITS! Love the quote from Louisa May Alcott in your profile. The same could be said about me. I, too, am a bibliophile! Happy reading!
That is really cute! I am visiting from SITS.
Aww...makes me wish I had a girl! Great tutorial!!
Visiting from SITS your site is so fun!!
That turned out way cute!
And thanks for the new words "frivolities" (I didn't know this was a real word 'til I looked it up, but I loved it anyway), and "ponderment"...I am so adding them both to my vocabulary!
Having seen the headband- It is adorable- as was the other goodies I got- I will not anything more but this woman is awesome! Everything she makes is great!
I think it's fabulous and that you have mad skills! I'll be linking.
Wow, that looks fabulous! Thanks for the instructions.
Oh, and I've done projects where I had to push a needle through layers of glue. You're right-it's tough. But it's so cute that you just have to do it!
Very cute, I like it. Never crafted a flower this way but I will definitely try next time! :)
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