Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mosaic Monday - second spring

In October we here in my part of Oregon start to get rain again, but it is also sprinkled with warm sunshine and until the first frost we enjoy what you could call a second Spring. Flowers and plants confusedly sprout again and bloom happily. Even my raspberry plants produce a few more berries (though nothing with flavor like the ones from July). The top right photo is not grass but my grape hyacinths thinking it is time to come out again; they are sure in for a surprise!

 Again, not grass, but poppy sprouts!

Be sure to visit Little Red House to see all the beautiful mosaics!


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Mosaics... love these. Your part of Oregon looks lovely.

Mary said...

Oh, I could use a "second spring" right about now... :) Thanks for sharing your beautiful images, Molly! xoxo

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful flowers for your second spring. What a delight to see!

Snap said...

Beautiful garden and Mother Nature does get confused every now and then. Keeps us on our toes! :D

black eyed susans kitchen said...

There is something so exciting about those little sprouts and what they will these pictures!

genie said...

It amazes me how you in Oregon and those in Washington state can have beautiful flowers blooming at this time of the year. As always, all of our are gone. The mosaic is beautiful. All that rain you all get must be the magical medicine. genie